Tammy L Deck
TLD Designs
Westmont, Illinois Location

TLD Design Center
Gallery & Studios
26 E Quincy St
Westmont, IL
Shopping Hours:
Wednesday through Saturday
11am to 6pm
September 1993
Tammy L Deck was outgrowing her home studio in Bolingbrook, IL and began searching the DuPage County suburbs to find this off-beat commercial space at 26 E Quincy St, Westmont, IL- (Chicago Near)
In partnership with her mother, JoAnn Deck, TLD Design Center & Gallery was launched.
Initially the space functioned as Tammy's fiber art studio with a micro Gallery to show & sell contemporary ArtWear and ArtWork of this mother/daughter team. Soon after opening to the public they began hosting juried theme exhibits for local and non local artists.
June 1995: in response to repeated inquiries, Tammy began offering creative art classes starting with Beginner Loom Weaving, Hand Knitting & Textile Design. Over the years, The Design Center class roster grew to 150 different options in various art mediums via guest artists. Students and customers are also able to shop for yarn, threads, wool fiber, fabrics, glass, weaving looms, beads, metals and other creative art materials, tools and supplies for their own artistry and making.
December 29, 2013:
JoAnn Deck passed away
Her legacy of artwork is on display and available for purchase in this Location
January 2017 :
Two Rooms within the walls of TLD Westmont were converted and rented to independent Artists.
"Studio One" ~ Christine Struzinsky : Drawing, Painting, Mixed media and Collage
"Studio Two" ~ Joan Martin : Retired art teacher, Weaving and Fiber Artist
Tammy is on hand during Shop Hours (when not scheduled out at a fair or event)
teaching, making art and attempting to keep the website and social media current.
phone (630)963-9573